by our K-9
At the time of inspection, our certified canine team will perform a thorough inspection of any areas that are suspected.
If the odor of live bed bugs or their eggs is detected, we will be able to provide you with a list of reputable exterminators, or, of course, you may contact one of your choosing.
We will record all of our findings and you will be given a detailed and confidential report for your records.
Your privacy is extremely important to us!
Bed bugs can be found in a variety of settings, not just in the home and not just in a bed! Bed bugs can feed at anytime of day or night, although they prefer nighttime. Our bed bug dog can search an area, such as your workplace, church, school, in minutes. The canine team will pinpoint where one or more live bed bugs or viable eggs may be hiding. It can take a human hours to inspect the same amount of space that a dog can cover in a fraction of the time. Using a bed bug dog saves you time, money and pain!
We can also provide you with a follow-up inspection to determine the effectiveness of the treatment. This is recommended because new studies have shown that not all treatments are always effective; and you do not want to let the problem spread.

Inspection Protocols
At least 2 hours prior to the search:
Extinguish all smoking materials
Turn off any odor products such as plug-ins
No cleaning products should be used within the search area
At least 20 minutes before search
Turn off all heaters, fans and ceiling fans
Close all windows, doors, etc.
Turn up all bed linens so box spring/mattress seams are exposed
Please make sure the following types of items are not accessible during the search
Chemicals, household cleaners
Food & candy
Toys, litter boxes, pet food & water
Any drugs or medications
Due to safety issues, children may not be present during the search.
Noise & human distractions must be kept to a minimum. We will ask the resident to vacate the area to be searched (example: step into another room). Pets/animals must be moved to an area not involved in the search.
We cannot search areas where pesticides have been applied in the last 30 days. We cannot search areas where tracking powders have been used (such as DE). All insecticide & pesticide dusts must be vacuumed with HEPA filter 24 hours prior to the search. All rodent baits, glue boards and snap traps must be removed.
Clutter Areas that are cluttered with garbage, debris, feces, dirt, food, clothing, boxes, etc. will not be searched as they present a hazard to our canine and severely compromise the effectiveness of the canine’s ability to perform her job.
Upon arrival, the handler(s) will assess the areas to be searched to ensure these protocols have been followed. Failure to follow protocols will result in the Four Paws handler refusing to search the area(s) in question. Additional fees may apply.
Thank you for your cooperation & we look forward to working with you!